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Non-Members can advertise anything in the WANTED sections and anything under £100 in the FOR SALE sections free of charge but advertising anything FOR SALE over £100 costs £5, just SUBMIT ADVERT then pay (if appropriate) via the CPUK Shop.

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304 Gear Selector Wanted (CPUK Member)

Model XLS engine

Wanted Gear-selector unit for 304 XLS type engine for single rod gear shifter ( first generation type )
Or 2 shaft gear rodding shifter and handle complete with floor bracket.

If you are a member please log-in to email me directly. Non-members please contact and they will forward your email to me.

504/505 Gearbox Wanted (CPUK Member)

Model 504/505
Sellers location UK

5-speed gearbox needed for a 1971, 504 cabrio restoration. Ideally BA10/5 but BA7/5 would be fine. Probably from a 505 (injection models best).
Let me know if you have something - I don’t mind getting it serviced as long as it’s fundamentally OK.
Many thanks,

Larger images

If you are a member please log-in to email me directly. Non-members please contact and they will forward your email to me.

807 parts wanted (CPUK Member)

Model 807
Registration year BG56 BVM
Sellers location Dorset

I am after a boot seal rubber and boot mat or boot tray for a Peugeot 807

If you are a member please log-in to email me directly. Non-members please contact and they will forward your email to me.